Hillary Clinton Rallies

This is part a boastful post since I was able to figure out how to load pictures from my cell phone onto the interwebs, and part I did something very college-like and smart. I went with my roommate, Cara, to see a Hillary Clinton convention/rally/please vote for me cause I'm a woman and my husband is Bill thingy. 
Now, I'll admit I'm not voting today in the primaries (please don't throw things at me!) because I forgot to sign up for absentee voting. And honestly, I have been totally absent from knowing anything about any of the candidates. The only politician that I was rooting for was Fred Thompson (Law & Order, duh!), but he dropped out. I do have the full intentions on voting in the actual elections in November, once I've done a little research and turned on the news every once in awhile to see what the candidates are talking about.
I grew up in a household where my mom bashed the Clintons nearly everyday and Rush Limbaugh would be playing in our living room every afternoon. So, Hillary is someone I'm not too fond of, but because I am an educated college individual I decided it was mature pants time.
Plus, it was an awesome experience. It kind of made me yearn for the days when I would read the newspaper everyday (yes, me as a 19 year-old would stop at a USA Today machine and put my 75 cents for a fresh copy of the world's news) and watch CNN and FoxNews non-stop. Honestly, after taking Government my senior year of high school and Political Science my freshman year, I got to the point where I couldn't take the back and forth of politics. It's like elementary school all over again.  The Democrats are in the sand box, and pointing and telling jokes about the Republicans who are on the swings, and vice versa. It's a big game of who can point the finger at who at recess time.
And concerning some issues, I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other. For instance, abortion. I think it is wrong, if you have the sex and it turns about to score a hit, then you should be made to deal with the outcome. But then again, my 19 year-old sister is pregnant, so now my view has become a little askew. And with gay marriage. I don't know if it's right, but I've met some gay couples who are very much in love, so why should the government stop them?
But anyways, this post has become entirely too long. Here are some pics, none of them any good, but still. I got them on the interwebs, so you best enjoy dammit!


This was the line outside of Central High School. We arrived a half hour before the doors opened, cause we're good at preplanning. And we're awesome like that. But honestly, there weren't a lot of people there, but it was a Monday and finals week for both colleges down here in Evansville, so...

This is the view from seat #1.

Then this is the view from seat #2. My roommate saw some friends of hers down on the floor surrounding the gate, but when we went down there to join them some asshole told us we couldn't go on the floor. We were sad, but an official Hillary lady told us that they weren't supposed to do that, and then she moved us to bleachers behind Hillary so we could be on tv.
People were mucho excited and cheered. Damn signs were always in the way.
Speaking of signs, this is mine. I don't know what "AFSCME" means, but I like their green.

Hello Evan Bayh! He was mere inches from me. I don't know why he excites me, but I do know him and his dad are very important Hoosier politicians. Plus, I live in the "Bayh" building on campus.
So, the dude in the very center kind of looking straight at me is Secret Service, and just a couple minutes before I took this photo, he was standing right next to me. His jacket even rubbed up against me! I think the Secret Service is awesome, and it's very intriguing to watch them move with Hillary and how they scan the crowds so diligently. It's kind of freaking amazing. I consider them realistic versions of Superman, only more awesome then Superman cause their underwear is INSIDE their pants.
More Secret Service around Hillary. This is about the closest I got to Madam Clinton. I think she was very tired.
More of her talking, she talked for about 20 hardy minutes. Her voice was hoarse, and the microphone kept fucking up, but she was a good sport about it all. She mentioned a lot about getting new jobs into the state, lowering the price of gas, and making college affordable. 
I was all for new jobs and getting the economy back on track. As far as college goes, I think it's well in the range of possible to go to school without paying too much back. I think the state does a good job in providing in as much grant money to everyone as they can. 

The guy in the tie, lounging on the stage= HOTTT. He had wild eyebrows and I was so okay with that!

Made of Scottish Stereotypes....

I know I'll be joining the list of numerous movie reviewers in saying that "Made of Honor" is a floating carcass of a mess. Quite frankly I don't know what everyone thought they were getting themselves into before seeing it. To be honest I'm fine with the Grey's Anatomy movie making machine that seems to be taking over theaters (see "27 Dresses"). Yes, they are predictable and glamourous, and things end up happily ever after. I am distinctly for those tiny indie movies that depict real life dialogue and realistic endings. However, I am totally okay with fluff every once in awhile, and so should everybody else. I demand that everybody should have a fluffy sugar-coated movie in their ultimate top 5 list.
My only tiff with the film, was the blatant stereotyping of Scottish folk. I didn't really appreciate their culture being made a joke. I'm not from the country, I've visited and I loved it. My life would be complete if I could have a Scotsman fall head over heels for me. I would be that person to be stoked about wearing the family plaid. And I would devour the flesh of any animal that my man killed for me.
But I will digress, I was busy scrubbing the inside of tea canisters at work tonight, I got to thinking about how long it had been since I watched "Ghost World" and how depressed I was that I didn't bring my copy of the film down here with me to school. "Ghost World" is my go to movie to keep me balanced. I'm curious as to what other people have as their "safe movie", and by safe movie that one picture that keeps your head on straight. I believe people have one definite movie, maybe two (My second is "Bridget Jones' Diary", but I get so depressed that I don't live in London I can only handle it so many times), that makes them either feel better about life, or relate better to their lives by watching it. 
Now more than ever I feel it necessary to get some Enid in my life.

So, I wanted to get something in before I go to class, but it's not like anyone is going to respond. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that kickass people will eventually make their way over here.

I  am giving you a query to ponder if you will for me, please? What are our thoughts on overweight, like about to have heart attack overweight individuals wearing sexually suggestive shirts?
My take- speaking as someone who is every bit of a size 20 huge ass there can be (but I am almost 6 foot tall, so suck it!) I wear myself well. But there are some forms of fat that are unflattering and I can't deal with how they just shove another cheeseburger down willy-nilly. I personally think it is kind of funny, like if my convenient plus sized ass wore a sexually suggestive shirt.
However, any body over a size 22 might want to exchange that shirt for some sweatpants and a treadmill. And they should pay me back my $4.50 for the tasty cheeseburger I just ate and had to throw up because of them.

Breaking up is hard to do, especially when...

Ending a relationship is always a very difficult situation to deal with, but it's a facet in life. However, ending something that never was anything to begin with. Well...what are the proper feelings for that? Recently for me, a man (who I've decided to call "Bastard X") came into my life, one who I didn't think was too entirely special, and not really that impressive. I became close to him, and involved with him (if you will). Then all of a sudden, it's done! He pressured me into giving what we were some kind of title (boyfriend/girlfriend), but I resisted. Apparently, it was that, and some other events, that caused us to loose what we had.

Now, I'm new to men. I never was involved in any way with a man in high school. It's only been since I've tunred 20 that anything romantically has happened for me. I'm not sad about it, I take my time. But why at 22 should I title myself to anyone? I think anyone who gets married before 25 is retarded. I don't enjoy using that word, but I think they have serious mental issues, and should be in a home where everyone else is missing parts of their smartness. I can't tell if this is a feeling coming in with my generation, but I really lack a desire for the marriage and kids, you know the whole "white picket fence dream".  Maybe it's too much "Sex and the City"?
If someone like Alan Rickman, Javier Bardem, or Seth Rogen came knockin' on my door, I would tell them exactly what I told Bastard X, "I'm sorry, I'm really not interested in a relationship right now." Granted, I would like you to look past the fact that these are famous people who would never be in Evansville on the University of Southern Indiana campus, and that two of them are too old for me, and focus on the part where I don't want a relationship. Yet, on a daily basis, whenever I walk past an attractive man or hold a conversation with a boy, my mind is flooded with thoughts of "I wonder what a date with that guy is like?" or "I wonder how I could get around to asking him out?" Sometimes it's all I want, but I don't?
And so I bring myself to my current predicament. How much lamenting do I spend on Bastard X? Anytime you spend intimate moments with someone, you're likely to get your heart involved. I've already done the sitting outside in the cold, sobbing hysterically, wondering what the fuck is so disgusting about me that men keep passing me over thing. I feel like today was such a fantastic day, full of self-esteem and happiness. But tonight, after putting my feelings in perspective, I'm thinking I'm way too happy about things already. I'm a little put off about my lack of sadness. I know you're thinking, "Ok, you're happy. Why do you have to put everything under a fucking microscope?!"
I fear that maybe my constant perfectionist in me, to be happy and awesome all the time, to always be that person people want to be friends with. And eventually it will get to me in the end. All the time I didn't spend crying and feeling self-pity for will cave in under its poor structure and cause me to go through some intense mid-life crisis (a la Lester Burnham).  Do I prepare for a cosmic crash in a decade, or is this just me and who I am?
Or, I guess sometimes when you're at the highest point of stress, life turns back onto itself like a circle, turning itself into happiness right now.

Right in the smurfin' parking lot?

Apparently I suck at this whole blogging thing...I remember in a galaxy a long long time ago how I wanted to post to the interwebs every single occurrence that happened in my life.

And now, even equipped with my fancy new MacBook (who's official name is Elaine, btw) and 24 hour internet access, I can't get my lazy ass over here. I apologize. But I'm sure all of my "zero" readers really care. But it's a tough life, what with finals week approaching, work being as stupid as ever, men with their boy penises, and you know, life. 

But now back to the most important task at hand- "American History X". I know, I know...why did it take me so long to get to this movie. Ed Norton is hot and has his shirt off a lot, right? So, why no rush? I forgot about this movie, until I overheard one of my high school co-workers talking about it: "Was that the movie with the curbing incident?"
I personally had to keep my eyes closed during that the curb thing, which cause me to wonder what my reaction would have been if I hadn't known about it. The violence wasn't what caused me to be astounded, but when I found myself agreeing to some of Derek Vinyard's points in his grandiose speeches, I knew I was in trouble. I know the main theme runs in hate and how hard it is to be angry at the world. In my head I was thinking "Yeah, those damn immigrants!" And, "How long are blacks gonna be mad about the slavery thing?" 
To let you know, I am a very tongue in cheek type person. So please, I don't want some random person to come across here and accuse me of being an actual skinhead, cause I ain't one. So, please don't hate me. In conclusion, the movie brings about a great theme in hatred, but most importantly it brings attention to how great Ed Norton's abs look sans shirt. And so ends my half-assed attempt at a movie review here.

Just some minor points to bring to the world's attention:

1. I will be attending the Eddie Izzard laugh fest in Chicago on May, 15. I just want to rub that in everyone's face
2. Grey's Anatomy returned tonight with a new episode, and it was kind of fantastic. However, my poor McSteamy isn't getting laid and that makes me sad.
3. Why are men so difficult?
4. Steely Dan can rock it hard and I don't care who knows it

Please if you happen to stop on by and you like what you read, leave me some feedback. I'm not quite sure what I'm mainly doing here. I'm trying to include a lot of different aspects of what I enjoy in life, and I hope to introduce some happen stuff to others.

Dr. Strangelove, I think you gave me the wrong prescription

Welcome to the first official post of Motorin' with Millie. This is Millie, and I will be your loverly tour guide. WATCH OUT MAN, I'M OFFICIALLY BLOGGING!
For starters I have chosen to rat on Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove: Or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Now, don't get me wrong here people, I love me some Kubrick. I fucking love it. I went into my History and Film class with my head filled with high hopes for the film. And I don't know if it was the physical act of forcefully sitting there watching it, or the broken speaker that cause everyone to strain their ears cause my professor is an un-technological douche. Or I guess it could have been the distraction of the creepy, fat 'nam vet next to me who decided to spill his coke all over my foot.
Either way, intellectually I was out of touch with the film. I'm pretty sure if I had grown up at that time, and knew first hand about the Cold War, I would have thought this film was hilarious. I think the Cold War is the most boring war in history, but then again who can top WWII? Cause Hitler is technically the shit. Or at least when I comes to causing the best wars ever!
Since I am a positive person I will say there were some good things about the film: Peter Sellers has very sexy eyes and an even sexier accent, the president looked peculiarly like Paul Shaffer, and of course one of the best quotes in movie history: "Gentleman, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"
And what does the audience think of home prepared treats brought into class? Some girl brought in homemade lemon bars and I was a little weirded out. This means that someone had the time to bake, for a class that it wasn't required. Who the fuck does that? And with each bite into the treat, I imagined her taking a sneeze into the batter, or better yet, a single drop of pee on her finger after using the restroom and never washing her hands.
Also, as a side note. If you come across this and movies happen to be your thing. Check out The Lives of Others. It fucking rocks, in that depressing East Germany secret police fucking up your life hardcore, sort of way.

Testing Testes

Work still in progress... make sure to come back later!